Gifted Program

**The gifted program at Avery's Creek Elementary serves students who demonstrate a need for curriculum differentiation.  

**Formal identification usually starts in the third grade.  

**Buncombe County uses
multiple criteria to determine the degree of need for differentiation.  The criteria include aptitude (intelligence) testing, achievement testing, teacher observation of typical characteristics, grades, and work samples when needed.

Services Include:

**Cluster grouping and curriculum differentiation by the classroom teachers
**Enrichment groups (pull-outs) with the gifted specialist with curriculum designed for gifted students (multiple times per week) 

**Extra-curricular activities and clubs such as Readers Odyssey, TECHNOLOGY CLUB, Geography Bee, Buncombe County Schools Elementary Math Competition, etc.

**"Problem Solvers" Nurturing Program for 1-2 students who demonstrate a need for enrichment
(This is not formal identification for AIG program.)